You know that fly that keeps landing on you, then leaving you alone just long enough to make you think he's gone, only to return and pester you for an hour? The fact is, he's not just playing with your head. He's causing more problems than you know. Although you may not have experienced any of the ill effects of the house fly's damage, they are leaving a trail of destruction all over your house. Mainly in the form of disturbing diseases.
Flies are highly attracted to food as well as human and animal excrement. They can only digest soft food. When they land on solid food and consume it, they regurgitate onto the food source to liquefy it into something they can ingest. When they come into contact with other surfaces, they transmit the bacteria that has been picked up.
Since flies cannot fly long distances without resting, they must frequently land, making contact with many surfaces in a short time. So if you have a fly landing on you, it is landing on a lot of other surfaces, leaving nasty bacteria all over you. Flies don't live long, about 30 days, but they reproduce quickly. The fly will grow from fertilized egg to mature adult in as little as seven days. Despite the short life span, flies can lay up 900 eggs, and the total amount of offspring can be staggering.
The diseases
carried by flies are very serious. The most common diseases are those that affect the human digestive tract. These include food poisoning, dysentery, diarrhea, and salmonella. However, they can also carry diseases less likely known to be spread by flies such as conjunctivitis and tuberculosis. Anything you eat or touch after a fly has landed on it is a potential health hazard for you. It only makes sense that you want to rid your home of these disease-ridden pests.
There are steps that you can take to minimize the likelihood of house fly danger. It's all about common-sense cleanliness. As diligent as your efforts may be, the only way to be sure you've done all that you can do to guard your home against house flies is to call a professional pest control service. After all, you have a life to live, and pest control isn't at the top of your weekend activities list.
Leave the details of fly abatement to the professionals at Restoration Pest Management. We will inspect your home and present the best options for you. We'll implement the latest in pest control technology and provide you with the confidence you need to know your family is protected.