Termites are the primary pests responsible for significant property damage in Ohio. These insects consume the wooden components found in nearly all residential and commercial structures. The most prevalent species in Ohio are subterranean termites, which predominantly inhabit underground environments. In their quest for new food sources, termites frequently relocate their colonies.
Typically, these termites establish their colonies in proximity to food sources such as trees and stumps. Nevertheless, they will ascend above ground to access suitable wood within buildings. It is not uncommon for multiple colonies to inhabit a single building lot, with some traveling up to 200 feet to locate structural food sources. Other wood-destroying insects (WDIs) present in Ohio include Powder Post Beetles, Carpenter Bees, and Carpenter Ants.
Real estate and mortgage contracts, especially VA lenders stipulate the necessity of inspections for termites and WDIs, accompanied by a detailed report. Most mortgage lenders mandate these inspections and certifications prior to the funding of a mortgage loan for a real estate transaction. In Ohio, a Wood Destroying Insect Inspection Report must be completed on the federal Form NPMA-33 by a licensed professional following the mandated inspection. State law requires that inspectors possess an Ohio Commercial Pesticide Applicator License to conduct property inspections and prepare WDI reports. To obtain and maintain this license, inspectors must participate in training offered by the Ohio State University Extension. The report must provide comprehensive details regarding any termite or WDI infestation or structural damage. Real estate agents or lenders often recommend a provider for the inspection and preparation of the WDI Report. It is essential to understand that a buyer has the right to choose a licensed professional for the inspection and reporting process.
Should the inspection reveal any signs of current or past WDI infestation, the parties involved in the transaction typically rely on the terms of their contract and lender requirements to ensure that any infestation is eradicated and that any property damage is addressed.